Friday, February 14, 2014


Well, if anyone needs a party planner our group is now proficient! We threw eight parties today at Palo Blanco for kids ranging from 1st – 6th grade. We were a few days early for a Valentine’s party but the kids didn’t seem to mind it since they got to enjoy cookie decorating, arts and crafts, and a Bible story lesson about God’s crazy love for them. Our team also learned something from the kids today. We learned that it is possible to pile sprinkles two inches high on your cookie in order to maximize sugar consumption! I’m sure the teachers loved us sending the kids back to class on such a sugar high and the cafeteria workers will surely be finding remnants of pink and red sugar sprinkles in the crevices of the concrete floor for months!
(Carol helping the kiddos with their Valentine’s craft.)
The Dominican lifestyle is much more relationship based than in the U.S., so lunch breaks tend to be longer to allow for rest and community. During our long lunch break we ate plates of rice and beans (surprise!) and potato salad and then played on the playground, joined in a game of baseball, or even took a siesta (nap) under a tree.
(I guess the secrets out now about who was the one napping under the tree!!)
                                                              (Chris loving on Arianny during recess.)
(This little girl loved playing with Rachel’s hair and getting hugs!)
(Lucas found a friend to swing with!)

(Chris R's playground buddies)
While most of our group polished our party throwing skills, it is only fair to mention that Chris B, Tyler, Keith and Lucas continued on with the construction project today. Their day consisted of a lot of shoveling and moving dirt for hours on end and completing more work on the sidewalk that is being poured. Not the most glamorous work but so vital to the care center!
After the rest of the team left for Palo Blanco for the day, Neil and Lucas stayed behind to run baseball practice for about 20 boys.
(Neil giving the boys some pitching pointers. How do you say curve ball in Spanish??)
The evening at the team house finished up with another delicious meal prepared by the amazing Carmen. We dined on Dominican beef stew (served over rice of course), fried yucca, and fresh papaya and pineapple. We were joined at dinner by the wonderful Vic and Leslie Trautwein and their daughter Chase. Vic and Leslie have been missionaries to the DR for the past 12 years and have so many stories and so much wisdom to share. They are such a joy to be with!

1 comment:

  1. Good to see my friend Swiper is still there! What a pretty face!
